Oxford Professor on The New Testament
Oxford Professor on The New Testament
This means that contrary to what people have traditionally maintained, there are no eyewitness accounts of the Gospel story, zero, zilch. Not even worthy of being called a reliable scripture let alone the "Word of God" (Or Jesus depending which Christian you talk to). The Gospels were written by later several anonymous authors, who wrote their own Pseudo-theology (Distorted forgeries) accounts and dishonestly attributed them back to well-known patriarchs (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John). This is only a sample of similar devastating findings that modern Biblical scholarship and textual Criticism has uncovered in regard to Christianity, Bible, and The Church doctrines. There is now overwhelming scholarly consensus that the traditional devotional Christian understanding of Jesus and the scripture is distorted or false. If you don’t understand these facts, then you don’t understand the questionable foundation of the beginnings of Christianity and the early Church. Christians on the other hand will worship the crosses, statues, Mary herself etc. as manifestation and emanation of God because they believed part of God is here on earth and part of God is in heaven. That is incarnation and a blaspheme according to their lexicon. None the less, here is the statement made by a Professor of The New Testament Studies in the University of Oxford, in his Christology and The New Testament : Jesus & his earliest followers, page 105-106 has said the following:
"The picture of Jesus in John is in many respects very different from the picture of the other three, so-called 'synoptic', Gospels. Furthermore, most would agree that, in general terms, the synoptic picture is more likely to reflect the realities of Jesus' own time, and John's account an (at times) extensive rewriting of the Jesus tradition by a later Christian profoundly influenced by his own ideas and circumstances. However, it is now recognized that what applies to the Fourth Gospel applies equally to all the Gospels: the synoptic Gospels, quite as much as John, have been influenced by the ideas and the circumstances of their authors. Thus in reading ALL the Gospels, we have to be aware of the fact that we are reading accounts of Jesus' life as mediated by later Christians and hence we may learn much, if not more, about the latter as about Jesus studying himself in the Gospel texts."
- Christopher M. Tuckett,
In Conclusion: This is the true nature of falsehood. It is refuted effortlessly. Academically, at it's rawest form. The New Testament melts under historical and archaeological empirical observation. The New Testament (in particular the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke) paint the picture of a very Hebrew-Jewish Jesus primarily concerned with the Israelite's and adherence to the Law of Moses. The first problem one must deal with when discussing The Old Testament and The New Testament is the fact that there are many different versions being used today by Jews and Christians alike.The original source of the Bible. Both the Old and New Testaments have been lost. In layman's terms, they are an abundance of ancient books that do not seem to agree with each other. The concept of a New Testament was not even unfounded until after the departure of Jesus 300 years after. Christianity, even it's own Biblical scholars, theologians and professors alike have admitted to it's errors and contradictions. Even the King James Version of The Bible admits it has "grave defects" and several "errors". So many errors in fact that it had to be revised. Is the holy ghost not capable enough to preserve a book? Several Christian priests have even left the religion as a result of discovering the shocking cold truths of their sacred scriptures. From the missing text, to the inserted trinity verses that were already exposed to the complete utter fabrications like that of pagan fairy tales. So Christ-worshipers, open your eyes please. The kind of Bibles you read depends on the church you follow. As all level-minded intellects know that the four Gospels are completely anonymous, and they were composed decades after the departure of Jesus. The early Church fail to mention them; they fail to address the miraculous events recorded in the Gospels, in their additions to The Bible the Churches did a perfunctory job. Non-Christian and Jewish historians never even mentioned the Gospel events, or the resurrection of Jesus.
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